Minverso integrates the metaverse to Expomin 2023
Virtual reality glasses will be available for fair participants to have their first experience in the world's first mining metaverse. See more.
We reduce risks in mining by enhancing the speed and retention of workers' knowledge through.
More informationWe analyze your current training modules and help you to virtualize and provide you with advice on the best solution.
Together we work towards a virtual solution in the most efficient manner, making improvements prior to development.
Our focus is on developing solutions that meet your business expectations, and we verify that the training and models achieve this at every level.
We provide end-to-end support to ensure the implementation of our services in your business and make sure it is 100% operational
Effective training compared to traditional education.
Once the training is complete and the knowledge is put into practice.
Ein relation to teaching through video calls or traditional classroom settings.
The metaverse has allowed us to bring together experts from all over the world in a completely digital universe, aligning with our sustainability policy by reducing the amount of travel required and streamlining our response times.
The gap between theoretical and practical training leads to a lack of understanding of the real consequences of accidents in daily activities.
We want to achieve a deeper level of learning that will allow us to improve our safety performance and move towards a proactive culture of prevention.
The latest news regarding Minverso
Virtual reality glasses will be available for fair participants to have their first experience in the world's first mining metaverse. See more.
Minverso, the first mining metaverse in the world, integrated powerful experts in the mining area as advisors, in order to contribute to its development and continue to improve the company. See more.
Minverso, a Chilean startup that creates personalized metaverses, created a virtual assistant for the immersive experience, where the user can consult information within the metaverse, in real time and through voice. See more.